WackoWiki: 5.0 Release Notes

https://wackowiki.org/doc     Version: 54 (06.05.2024 06:37)

5.0 Release Notes


(01.12.2019) 95c416f[link1] -> M5 (Change Log[link2])

This is a major feature release.
The 5.0 release serves mainly three purposes. The first is to normalize database second to back port and merge openSpace[link3] features and last PHP 5.3 compatibility.

1. Notable in this release


2. Download


Repo files

Clone repo
git clone -b 5.0.5 https://bitbucket.org/wackowiki/wackowiki.git	

3. Translations

4. Upgrade path

R4.0 -> R4.3 (requires PHP 4.3)
R4.x -> R5.0 (requires PHP >= 5.2)

Please read the upgrade notices[link8] carefully.
Don't miss to run the {{adminupdate}} action after the upgrade to migrate your old data, it is only in this release available.

5. Installation

5.1. Requirements

requires now[link9]

Not compatible with PHP 5.4!

5.2. File Permissions

touch config/config.php
chmod 666 config/config.php

Example: chmod 0755 xml files/global files/perpage sitemap.xml _cache/config/ _cache/queries/ _cache/pages/ _cache/feeds/

chmod 644 config/config.php

5.3. new config settings

5.4. SQL Mode

If you work on a home-brew stack using MySQL 5.6 or 5.7, please check your sql_mode settings.
MySQL switched the SQL-Mode to 'strict' as default since 5.6[link10] and all versions of WackoWiki prior to 5.5 will fail with SQL-Mode 'strict' on. You must turn it off. We working on a patch.

SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode, @@SESSION.sql_mode;	


# The MySQL server

6. Admin Panel

The new Admin panel is still in its Beta stage.

If your Admin panel gets locked reset config/lock_ap from 1 to 0

7. Themes

Themes for earlier versions will no longer work without modification.
When you upgrade WackoWiki all of your themes will be reset to 'default' theme for each user account to ensure that nothing breaks.

8. Extensions

Extensions installed under previous versions of WackoWiki may be incompatible and/or require updates to work with WackoWiki.

9. Backwards Compatibility

We dropped compatibility code for older PHP and MySQL versions. R5.x and later requires at least PHP 5.2 and MySQL 5. To use with older PHP or MySQL versions, use the older (but still maintained) branch of 4.3.x releases, which you can find on the download page[link11].

10. Known Issues

All known issues are tracked in our Bug Tracker.[link12]
  1. To use Captcha, you must ensure that the session settings in freecap.php do not differ from the default values or your config settings, else Captcha can't pass its values to the session. In the following link you find a workaround:
  2. toc action does not recognize include page structure[link14]
  3. broken POST & reset of Session in menu section via user settings which requires you to logout and login to refresh the changed bookmarks / menu
    • HOTFIX: add the {{menu}} action into a seperate page and edit the menu items / bokkmarks there
  4. Not compatible with PHP 5.4! - see bugs:422[link15]

11. Credits

If we have missed someone`s contribution -- we are very sorry for that. Please fill this page with actual information.