WackoWiki: Two Character Rule

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Two Character Rule

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This refers to the simple Wacko rule that all formatting tags (with the sole exception of list items) use the same character twice as a tag to open and close special formatting. For example...

//this would make text italic//
**this makes it bold**
^^this is superscript^^
??this adds a red emphasis??
++this text is small++

See Formatting[link5] for more examples. Hopefully remembering this rule makes formatting somewhat easier!

The point of it is that most wiki markup is done by different characters repeated twice. By enclosing text in double non-text characters, you can very likely assume that it will have some effect on its appearance.

Well and, of course, majority is limited by the end of the line and must close fit closely to the marked text. But the few, that unconfined by the end of the line (this deletion and color isolations) nevertheless requires that the text close would touch to them.

I.e., this __should work__, and __this
here__ - not.

You can use ~# (tilde) to escape "two characters".
Example: ~%%, ~==